Funeral Etiquette
Let us guide you through the ins and outs of your funeral experience.
Attending a service at Williams Funeral Home, Inc.
- Watch over children to ensure their safety.
- Follow our cemetery guidelines.
- Respect cemetery visiting hours.
- Follow the marked roadways.
- Be respectful by keeping quiet around visitors who wish to reflect.
- Stay longer than you want to. It’s all about what you’re comfortable doing, don’t feel that you need to linger if you’ve celebrated your loved one in a way that feels right to you.
- Be afraid to laugh and share happy memories and stories. Laughter and telling happy stories can be the best medicine on the road to healing.
- Feel that you need to look at the deceased. If this is something you’re not comfortable doing, there is no need to do so. A service is about your comfort level and your desire to celebrate the person in a way most meaningful to you.
- Let your children be too loud and disturb others. As always, respect others and practice awareness.
- Leave your cell phone ringer on. No one needs that additional noise when they’re trying to reflect.
- Be afraid to make a mistake or do something wrong. You are doing something right just by coming and caring.
We are Here to Help
Perhaps you've got special concerns about an upcoming funeral or memorial service? We're here to provide the answers you're looking for. Call us at (337) 942-2037.